If you have money worries come in and talk to us, don't let things get out of hand. We can provide you with advice on budgeting and help you to seek professional help.
We have listed below the following specialised charities and agencies that can give you professional advice.
www.adviceguide.org.uk – follow links to ‘Debt and Money’, then ‘Young People’ – money and consumer rights
www.barclaysmoneyskills.com – informative website covering all issues to do with saving and finance
www.direct.gov.uk/en/youngpeople/money/index.htm – informative website covering all issues to do with money, debt, benefits
www.firstdorsetcreditunion.co.uk – local financial charity based at Treads office, provids advice on saving, debt, and loans
www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk – helping people manage their money at any stage in their lives, they also offer unbiased advice
Please note we can help you with accessing the Foodbank